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 Hi guys, If you’re reading this, thank you for stopping by. I figured I have adhd. That’s short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. For me now it’s just ADD. So there’s this thing we tend to experience.  1. Lack of attention. So we have the tendency to loose attention easily especially when whatever it is is not interesting to us. It may be important but not interesting. So we can get distracted and not do it again. Yeah. So we have so many unfinished projects and stuff like that. The second thing happens to be the direct opposite. 2. Hyperfocus. Yeah ikr. This is when we go all in on a particular project that piques our interest. We can stay there for hours. Especially when it has to do with something that challenges us. Eg figuring out how something works. Etc. That’ll be all for now. Talk soon.

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